Board of Inquiry delivers its report to the Governor of Victoria

Monday, 26 February 2024

The Chair of the Board of Inquiry into Historical Child Sexual Abuse in Beaumaris Primary School and Certain Other Government Schools, Ms Kathleen Foley SC, today delivered her report in person to the Governor of Victoria, Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, at Victoria’s Government House.

The report sets out the Board of Inquiry’s findings and recommendations as they relate to its Terms of Reference, and serves as an official public record of victim-survivors’ experiences of historical child sexual abuse by relevant employees at Beaumaris Primary School during the 1960s and 1970s, as well as any other government schools where the same staff members were employed to the end of the 1990s.

Ms Kathleen Foley SC thanks everyone who came forward to share their experiences, and those who provided evidence and submissions to inform the inquiry’s report.

Quotes attributable to the Chair of the Board of Inquiry, Kathleen Foley SC

‘I sincerely thank and acknowledge every person who has bravely shared their deeply personal experiences and contributed to our work. This was not an easy thing to do, and it took great courage.’

‘While our inquiry focused specifically on historical child sexual abuse linked to Beaumaris Primary School, it has been encouraging to see a broader discussion on the issue of child sexual abuse as a result of our efforts. This is so important. In the course of this inquiry, we have been told time and time again that there needs to be more open conversations about child sexual abuse in order to truly confront it.’

‘We have seen through this inquiry the significant value of trauma-informed practices and the power that reflecting on the past with empathy and compassion can have in shaping a safer future for all.’

We hope that this report will bring about restoration and meaningful change.’

The full transcript and audio of the message from the Chair can be found on the Inquiry’s website.


Under the Inquiries Act 2014 (Vic), any public release of the report is now a matter for the Victorian Government.

Board of Inquiry delivers its report to Governor of Victoria
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